Professional 3D printing jewelry services
Make your 3D printed jewelry design dream real
Bring Your Dream Design to Life
UPLOAD 3D MODELFeatured collection
Sketch to 3D creation

Lattice Wishes 窗花願望

Kaleidoscope Wishes 萬花願望

Circle Wishes 圓願


Heart Wishes 心願

Flower Wishes 花願

Star Wishes 星願

Square Wishes 正願
2D to 3D workshop
Create your own design with sketches. Watch our blog here: Happy Workshop
Customers' journeys on silveryway

"透過 TinkerCAD 設計並上傳銀925吊墜,為兒子的生日,我感到非常高興。"
"Participating in Silveryway's workshop made the journey from a 2D sketch to a custom 3D design even more exciting. Waiting just two weeks to witness my design in reality was worth every moment of anticipation!"
Philip Ho
"As an architect, seeing my designs come to life is always a thrill. While architecture projects take time, the speed at which Silveryway brought my jewelry design to fruition left me exhilarated and impressed!"
Blog posts

「設計、3D打印、帶回家」: Silveryway創辦人Dr. Ken Too 再次成功舉辦3D打印工作坊
於2024年6月2日及6月9日,Silveryway創辦人Dr. Ken Too 在香港科技學院校園內再次成功舉辦了兩次TinkerCAD及3D打印工作坊。繼上次工作坊反應熱烈後,是次工作坊繼續教導參加者3D打印產品設計的基礎知識,以及TinkerCAD軟件和Silveryway自製網絡應...